On-site computer repair in Budapest, HungaryRivalComp On-site service in Budapest, Hungary
since 2006
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What we offer

Rival as competitor, challenger, contestant...

RivalComp has started as an individual enterprise after eight years of professional experience gained  at small, mid and large companies. I became registered under the name RivalComp Szolgáltató Bt. (RivalComp Services LP) in 2006.

My purpose is to support the IT background of private clients, small and medium sized enterprises, as well as educational institutes on demand, maintain their system administration and supervision, starting from planning through purchase and operation until the technical support.

My principle is to solve the problems, to choose the right pieces by getting to know my clients’ needs, relying on my professional knowledge and experience.

My motto: „Let us find the solution together!”

The main elements of my work:
  • We are living in the age of new desktop, notebook and handheld configurations – the age of megastores. Perhaps looking at the tempting small prices we tend to forget that there are some products, that getting off from a shelf is not the best buy. We may reckon among these products the computers and their accessories, pieces. Without careful and competent assembly our computer may cause a lot of unpleasant moments. It is important that we buy our computers carefully selected from a specialist, or completely assembled from a branded manufacturer continuously providing the professional background and service. I undertake the assembly of customized configurations, or complete desktop, notebook and handheld computers (Dell, Toshiba, Acer, Benq, Asus, etc.), as well as the expansion, testing and installation of these after your needs.
  • Hardware, software troubleshooting – if your computer doesn’t start, or it just beeps, its operation system crashes regularly, the computer often restarts, I troubleshoot the hardware or software problem on the spot, I detect the malfunctioning pieces, change the malfunctioning parts on demand, with guarantee, naturally.
  • Software legalization – I undertake the assessment of your software-park. Keeping in mind your needs I propose optimized, possibly free software-packages. I provide the necessary software, and install them on your request.
  • Configuration of wired and wireless networks – I carry out the configuration, maintenance and system management of computer networks as well as the purchase of network devices for private clients, small and medium sized enterprises.
  • Virus scan – viruses, Trojans, ad and spyware can cause severe damage in case of inadequate defense. It is not enough to run your antivirus software regularly, the virus-database of the software also needs regular update. It is important the usage of reliable software or hardware firewalls, as well as the prudent browsing, download, or mailing.
  • Data recovery – if something is broken, beyond the expensive physical save it only helps if we made or asked somebody to make a safety backup of our data before the data loss happens. I undertake ad-hoc or regular data backup (on CD, DVD, hard disk, FTP server, etc.), as well as the configuration of backup systems to existing computer networks.
Onsite computer repair in Hungary

István Varga
systems administrator

RivalComp Services LP.
1033 Budapest, Selyemfonó u. 2.

+36 20 332 6966

with enabled Caller ID only


Microsoft Minősített Szerviz PartnerHP Partner

Microsoft Registered Member

Bankkártya elfogadás


  (C) Copyright 2006, RivalComp. All rights reserved. PRIVACY POLICY | IMPRINT | WEBMASTER